
The Club Committee 2022

The Club President

Alison Manhood Telephone 688 33 42 93
Lived in the Hondon Valley since 2013 and been a club member since 2014.
Wedding dress/seamstress by trade.
Married to Gerry who has a Toyota Supra Turbo 1991

She is the main liaison with the Town hall and other clubs and associations, and organises many of the rallies/trips where our cars go on runs/display. She chairs our monthly meetings and also arranges for guest speakers.

The Vice President

– Uta Kustner, has been a member of the club since 2014.
She acts as the translator for all the German members,
and helps the President as much as possible.
She is the part owner of the Mercedes W123C.

The Club Treasurer

– Norbert Drescher has been a member of the club since 2014.
He owns the Mercedes W123C 2.8 litre coupe..
He has much experience of running accounts for organisations.
From now on he will look after the finances of the Club.

The Club Secretary

– Sheila Walker joined the club in October 2018. She drives a Mercedes SLK. When she lived in Rhodesia, she was the chairman of the MG car club and owned a Midget. She also previously owned a vintage model T Ford.