News / Events

Club Monthly Meeting

October 2nd 2024

Bar Oasis, Calle Arbizu 1, San Luis



Gaynor thanked all members for their votes, making her the President of the Club.  She welcomed Shaun as a visitor and hoped he would join the Club with his two cars, a 1996 and 1998 Mini.

Apologies received from Graham.

Gaynor reopened the AGM as a new secretary had to be voted in.  Numerous members requested that Susan Lakin be nominated.  Susan agreed and this was proposed by Wolfgang and seconded by Ilse.

General Information

From the N332 site.
Overtaking on the right is not allowed except if the vehicle in front is turning left.
Tractors must not be overtaken.
Tyres must match on the same axle.
Tyres should be no more than 10 years old.
There is a date on the tyre wall eg:- 0204 = week 2 of 2004.
No shopping bags on the back seat.
All these are safety issues and could get you a 200 euro fine.

President asked how many looked at our Facebook page and was given a negative response.

Last Months Events

A successful run to the Mini Golf La Manga organised by Norbert, Wolfgang & Gable.
Buck Fizz and orange juice generously given by the owners on arrival.
The prizes of the day went to  :- 1st place  Wolfgang .2nd place Garth. 3rd place Ilse.Extra prizes were donated by Willy, Thank you for this Willy.

Future Events

The October Anniversary Dinner will have to be a last minute email as the previous President had not made any arrangements. The details will be sent out as soon as possible. Norbert will enquire  if we can secure a booking for the 19th October at Manolas restaurante. Paella being the main option but an Ala Carte menu is available.

Neville and Graham are organising a run for the 15th November details at the November meeting.  Christmas Lunch  22nd December further information at next meeting. The very popular Innocentes Day organised by Gaynor will be as normal this year with details to follow. We need volunteers for January 2025 and the following months. 

Any Other Business

Keith had been asked by the owner of the Oasis club to mention he had a Jaguar XJS for sale; all legal documents covering Spanish registration had been obtained. For price and further details please contact the owner at the Oasis bar.
Gaynor wished Ilse a Happy Birthday. 

The meeting closed at 20:46 pm.

September 4th 2024

Alison welcomed 19 members.

Apologies from John, Rainer, Sharon, Ana Maria, Horst, Heiko, Heidi


New green sign under consideration, it is not a speed limit it is a recommended speed, not in use yet.

Warning lights on dashboards, in most cases the ITV will fail if they are showing as they indicate a potential failure with the car.

Keep a look out for the ZBE zone signs which tell you which categories can enter.

Parking, you should normally park on the right hand side of the road, the flow of the traffic , two main reasons are the car has reflectors  which illuminates the cars. and it does not impede visibility when joining the traffic.

If you have a new car with keyless entry thieves are about with a black box, which they can use to enter the car and drive away.  Perhaps a steering lock is worth having.

Past Events.

Trip up the mountains to Hondon de la Frailes and a lovely meal at the Tipsy Terrace.  Thanks go to Alison and Gerry for organising.

Future Events.

14th September, La Manga Golf.  Meet at Lo Monte at 10.30am for an 11am start.  A drive with a coffee stop about 1 and a half hours. 60km.

On arrival cava will be served then 18 holes of mini golf followed by a meal.   Cost 20 euros NOT including drinks. Final menu choices to the club email by the 11th September.

Menu in separate email.

October, Anniversary Dinner, date and venue to be confirmed.

November 15th, Graham and Garth to organise.   Details at the next meeting.

Any Other Business

Uta is stepping down from the committee.

There has been 1 nomination for Vice President and 2 nominations for President.

After a discussion and advice from previous committee members, ALL the committee will stand down and then there will be an election for the new committee.

Any further nominations should be sent to the club email by the 11th September please.

Gaynor passed on the sad news that Jean Webster had passed away.

Meeting closed at 8.15pm.

August 7th 2024

Alison welcomed 15 members.

Apologies from Sheila, John, Jocelyn and Stuart, Hans Peter and  Ana Maria.

Most of the information tonight is about speed and cameras.

It is a myth that you can drive 5km over the speed limit before you can be fined, you can be fined if you drive 51km in a 50km zone.  The cameras are set with a margin of error as well as speedometers.

We also have  the average speed cameras , these work by having 2 cameras , the first one catches you and at a distance the 2nd one calculates distance and average speed.

Also just introduced are anti braking speed cameras that measure your speed and if a significant difference in speed you could be fined up to 600 euros and 6 points.

A question regularly asked is whether dash cams are legal in Spain, Yes they are but be aware of data protection legislation.

On a final note there has been a fraudulent ITV appointments booking site in the Valencia community.

Past events, on Saturday 13th July we went to the Ypres Circuito in Casa Blanca with a lovely panoramic drive to get there.   Some of you drove round the circuit in your cars, Great fun, then some of you went to drive in the go karts, more fun.  All rounded up with a great meal.  Thanks go to Gabie and Wolfgang for organising.

Future Events.

Hondon Cool Run,  16th August, meet at Alma Bar for a 6pm start.

Final menu choices by 11th August.

Saturday 14th September, Wolfgang and Norbert are organising a mini golf day.  Meet at Lo Monte Hotel on the N332 at 10.30am.  19 euros including a euro tip.

October , Anniversary Dinner.

November, possibly Graham and Garth to organise.

Any Other Business. 

Uta is standing down as Vice President.  If you wish to stand please submit your name to the club email before the September Monthly Meeting.

Meeting closed at 7.55pm.

July 3rd 2024

Alison welcomed 18 members and 1 guest to our meeting outside again.

Apologies from John, Garth,  Stuart and Jocelyn, Heidi and Horst.

Finance report from Norbert, the accounts book can be viewed at the meetings by members.


There is a free app launched by the Spanish Traffic Police, MiDGT

This means you can enter all of your details so that there is a virtual copy therefore you can leave the physical documents at home.

You can also find out if you have points on your licence, outstanding fines, it will also let you know if your ITV is overdue or about to expire.

If you are sent any sms texts from the DGT or Guardia Civil,  these are FAKE,  so report them.  Fines are still on the spot, through the post or through the new MiDGT app.

It is not illegal to drive in flip flops but it could be dangerous and if in an accident you could get a fine.

It is also advisable to wear shirts as if in an accident this could cause skin burns from the seat belt.

All details from the N332 are posted on our Facebook Group and also on the N332 button on our website.


June run was through Pilar De La Horadado, then a stop in Torremondo followed by a drive round the Blue Lake, we finished off at Restaurant Patio Andaluz.  We had 21 participants who had a lovely day out.  Thanks go to Sheila and Sharon for organising.


Saturday 13th July 2024, Circuito  Yepes Casas Blancas.

Meet at Lo Monte Hotel on the N332 at 10.30am for an 11am start.

We will have a stop at La Telcia before arriving at the circuit.

The cost is 21 euros which includes 3 courses, 1 drink and a 1 euro tip.

We need the Main menu choice by Sunday 7th please.

Paella de carne. OR

Pasta ( nudeln noodles). OR

Pescado Salmon (lachs, salmon).

You can also take part in 10 laps  in a go kart for 20 euros.  If you wish to do this please email the club by the 7th July.

August, Hondon Cool Run, details at next meeting.

September, La Manga Mini Golf, details later.

October, Anniversary Dinner.

November, a possible run to Monova with an overnight stay.  Details later.

December, Christmas Dinner.

December , Inocentes Day Driving Skills and mini golf.  Details later.

Any Other Business.

The Historic vehicles details are still not available.

If you want to lend your car to visitors you have to complete a form which must be kept in the car.  You cannot charge for the use of your car.

There are write ups about the clubs first 6 months with pictures in the free newspapers and Costa Car Trader.

Meeting closed at 8pm

June 5th 2024

Alison welcomed 22 members and 3 guests to our June meeting outside in the sunshine.

Apologies, John and Neville.

General Information

If you come across a police checkpoint it is illegal to share this on social media and could result in a fine.

The N332 has shared a map indicating cities that are implementing the Low Emissions restrictions. Also those cities in the process.   At the moment this does not include Torrevieja.

Spain now has some new cameras that not only pick up your speed but also if you are wearing a seat belt, or on your mobile phone.

How many of you know that it is an offence to wash your cash on a public road , this could result in a fine between 30 and 3,000 euros.

All information received from the N332 is shared on the Club Facebook Page.

Past Events

Thanks go to Norbert and Uta for organising our May run, it was a great drive out through the Fondo National Park to Bar Ursula for a stop then onto the Santa Pola Lighthouse with lovely views over the sea and a breeze.

Then onto the Torrelano Bar Restaurant for a lovely meal.  We finished the day with a trip to the Torrelano Train Museum where some of us returned to our childhood with a ride on a mini train.  A very enjoyable day out.

Future  Events

Thursday 20th June 2024.  Run starting at Lo Monte Hotel on the N332 at 10.30am.  We will make a stop for 30 minutes at Restaurant Casa Andreu in Torremondo, the run will then continue to our lunch stop at Patio Andaluz, C/Penedes 1, Punta Prima, 03185.

The restaurant is on the slip road off the N332 and there is plenty of parking.

The cost will be 14 euros which includes 3 courses and a tip.  NO DRINKS are included.

The Menu will be the one of the day which we will not know until we get there.

Names please to the club email by the 16th June please.   We already have 17 signed up at the meeting.

Saturday 13th July 2024.  A visit to Casa Blanca Go Karts organised by Wolfgang and Gabie.

There will be a race in automatic go karts if you want to participate at a cost of 20 euros for 10 laps.

More details at the July Meeting.

August will be the Hondon Cool Run

We need a volunteer for September and November please.

Any Other Business

Wolfgang gave details of new rules for Historic Vehicles which come into effect on the 1st July 2024.

I will send these in a separate email translated into English.

Every 6 months we send a write up to the local newspapers with a few photos.  If anyone has objections to being in a photo please email the club.  This is in respect of Data Protection.

The meeting closed at 8pm

May 1st 2024

Alison welcomed 14 members plus 1 guest, Alex.

Apologies. Karin and Siggi, Gerry, John, Gabie and Wolfgang, Jos and Gary, Heidrun.


This week the N332 has relaunched the monthly magazine which will bring together news and articles about driving in Spain.

This will be in the form of a digital publication.

The link has been posted on the Club Facebook Page.

The small velolaser radar is now being more widely used and can be put in places that the normal radar cannot be used.

A new package of measures to reduce road traffic accidents has been announced , increased automated speed monitoring .

150 new Guardia Civil have been employed to reduce alcohol and drug related accidents.

This and more can be seen on the N332 website.

Past Events

On the 17th April we went to Novelda through Fondo National Park towards Crevelente then up the lovely mountain road towards Aspe then onto Novelda where we stopped at the Sanctuary Church,  strange church at the top of the hill with stunning views of the area, we then went on to  Restaurant Vientocho in Hondon de la Frailes for a wonderful meal.
Thanks to Neville for organising.

Future Events

Saturday 25th May 2024.  Trip to Torrelano .  A separate email has been sent out with the details and the menu.  Closing date for names and menu choices by email to the club is 13th May 2024.


July an event being organised by Wolfgang and Gabie.

August the Hondon Cool Run organised by Alison and Gerry.


Any Other Business

There was no other business

The meeting closed at 7.50pm.

April 3rd 2024

Alison opened the meeting to 19 members 1 guest

Apologies from John Lambert, Karin and Siggy, Rainer..

General Information

The ITV stations are still striking Tuesday and Thursday.

Mandatory documents to carry in car.

Permiso De circulation (log book)
ITV card report inspection De tecnica De vehiculos
Driving licence

Not mandatory.

Insurance documents, information is now stored on central computer. However in case of accident you need to know your details for Accident Agreement form and to exchange details.
The European Accident form , advisable to record data accurately, the form is available in multiple languages and laid out the same.
Still questions on the V16 warning light keep a watch on the N 332 Facebook site.

Past Events

14 March Rainer and Sharon organised a run around blue lake then to Meson El Prado in San Miguel De Salinas, great meal in lovely surroundings.

Thank you both.

Future Events

Neville is organising a run on 17th April to Novelda then back to the Hondon Valley for lunch .

Names and menu choices please to car club email by Thursday 11th April.


Wolfgang has volunteered for July

Gerry and myself for the August cool run .

Meeting closed at 8.00

March 6th 2024

Alison opened the meeting to 18 members and 3 guests

Apologies Karin and Siggy, John

General Information

ITV station in Alicante Province are striking on Tuesdays and Thursdays..

If your ITV is coming up please book it in , don’t forget you can go into Murcia region.

Past Events

The almond blossom run was very pretty this year.

We done the run just in time because the next few days we had high winds which wiped out the blossom.

We had 18 cars including a few guests and 28 of us enjoying a very well organised lunch at Tipsy Terrace, Hondon De Los Frailes.

I thank Gerry and myself.

Future Events

14 march is organised by Rainer and Sharon.

Meet at Lo Monte hotel at 10.30 to leave at 11 around a 2 hour drive with a scenic stop then on to Meson El Prado in San Miguel for lunch at 1.00 cost 12 euro plus 1 euro tip .

Names needed by Sunday 10th March.

April we have a volunteer so more details later..

Need volunteer for May June and July..

Any Other Business

Meeting closed at 19.50 .

February 7th 2024

Alison opened the meeting to 22 members 8 guests

Apologies..Gaynor and John, Sheila

General Information

DGT announced end of ITV window stickers replacing with new app or electronic system. Both authorities and drivers can see the status of their car ITV.

No date as yet working on personal data security.

Promise to help the environment, curbing costs, production and distribution costs.

Reversing if not following rules could lead to up to 500 euro fine. Check the N332 site.

Belongings carry safely stowed away in footwell glovebox or door pockets.

Unfortunately no Past Events…

Future Events

February 21st almond blossom run into the Hondon Valley..

Please who wishes to attend names and menu choices by Saturday 17th February.

Separate email sent.

March 14th Rainer is sorting a short run more details at March meeting.

PLEASE can we have some more people offering to sort runs !!!!!!!

Meeting closed at 20.05.

January 3rd 2024

Alison opened the meeting to 17 members and 1 guest

Apologies:   John, Gerry, Gary and Jos

General Information

Very quiet month. DGT has expanded the procedures that can be done remotely. Please look at Facebook page.

Past Events

Christmas dinner on 21 December was well attended with 28 of us. Again the Rendezvous was good, thanks go to the staff.
Slightly different raffle with everyone winning a prize…

Again 28 December Inocentes Day organised by Gaynor, we ended up in a slightly different part of El Raso for the driving skills with 4 horse’s taking part.

Then of to mini golf for a round and a laugh,,.

Great meal with thanks to the staff and also Gaynor for another great day.

Mens driving.  Rainer
Ladies driving. Sheila

Golf was a joint winner. Rainer and Olly

Future Events

Unfortunately no run in January

Hopefully an almond blossom run can be organised!!!!!!


Any Other Business

No other business meeting closed at 7.50

December 6th 2023

Alison opened the meeting to 18 members and 3 guests (prospective members).

Apologies from Gary & Jos, John, Heidrun, Stuart & Jocelyn.

General Information

Information about items that have to be carried in your car.

  • Driving licence.
  • ITV sticker in the top right hand corner of your windscreen. Current one only.
  • Insurance policy document.
  • Permiso de Circulation.
  • Accident forms.
  • Reflective vests for at least 2 people, kept in the car not the boot.
  • Spare tyre or whatever your car has.
  • 2 warning triangles or the V 16 light.

Also recommended items are, spare bulbs, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, torch, spare glasses if you wear them for driving..

Eating, drinking, wearing of head phones is not allowed, mobile phones only if hands free.

Last Months Events

On the 18th November Wolfgang and Gabie organised an event to the Park Natural El Fondo Museum which was enjoyed by all, some even remembered their schooldays !!!!

Afterwards we drove to the restaurante Nugolat where we had a very good meal.

Thanks go to Wolfgang and Gabie.

Future Events

The Christmas Party is on the 21st December at the Rendezvous, a separate email has been sent out.  Closing date 14th December for menu choices to the club email.

Inocentes Day driving skills and mini golf and meal is on the 28th December, a separate email has been sent out.  Closing date for menu choices is the 20th  December to Gaynor by email or phone. 627237160.

We need volunteers for 2024 please.

Any Other Business

If you have any amendments to your car details or pictures on the Club website, please email details to the club by the 31st December 2023 so that the website can be updated.

Remember we have a Facebook group and a WhatsApp group.

Meeting closed at 8pm.


November 1st 2023

Alison welcomed 15 members .

Apologies received from   –  John & Gaynor, Jos & Gary, Gerry, Olly.

It is with regret that we have lost one of our long standing members, Stuart Tilley, who passed away on the 25th October 2023.  He will be missed.  The Costa Car Trader are including a piece in their November issue.  It has also been posted on our Facebook page.  The Cox Club meeting last Sunday also paid tribute to him, he attended all the Sunday meetings at Cox and Catral.

General Information

The N332 may fine you 200 euros if you run out of fuel !!!!!

Last Months Events

The Anniversary Dinner was attended by 18 members. Trophies were awarded to the following,

Hand of Friendship to Norbert Drescher.

Annual Award for the best serving member to Wolfgang Schwarz.

Trabant, Smiler to Ilsa Mader.

We had a lovely meal, thanks for to Alison and Gerry for organising and Neil, Lucy and staff of Christopher’s.

Future Events

18th November 2023. Run to Park Natural,El Fondo Museum Pucol.  The museum cost is  2 euros.

Cost of meal 25 euros.  The menu has been sent out in a separate email.

Meet at Alma Bar, Calle Vigo, 03170  at 11am.

The run will go to the museum and then to the restaurante, Nugolat, after the meal there will be a run back.

Closing date for menu choices is 11th November 2023 .

21st December 2023, Christmas Dinner at the Rendezvous.

25 euros with a 10 euro subsidy to paid up members.  Start is at 2pm for canapés and 3pm for the main meal.  Menu choices will be at the December monthly meeting.

28th December 2023,  Inocentes Day driving skills, mini golf and a meal.

Organised by Gaynor, more details at the December monthly meeting.

We need volunteers for 2024 please.

Any Other Business

If you intend staying as a member but have not paid yet, please notify the club when you will pay.

If you do not wish to remain a member please notify the club.


The meeting closed at 7.55pm

October 4th, 2023


Alison opened the meeting.

16 paid up members attended the AGM.

Apologies from Garth, Heidrun, Gerry, Stuart.

The Minutes of the last AGM were read out by Sheila, there were no comments.

Presidents Report, Alison

The Club has been going for 17 years now with your support.  Please carry on your support so we can still do exciting runs.

We have had 10 events this year, unfortunately 2 were cancelled because of the hot weather.

With regular annual events, The Almond Blossom Run, St Patricks Day, The Hondon Cool Run, Anniversary Dinner, Christmas Party and Inocentes Day.

I would like to thank the committee, Uta, Norbert, Sheila, Siggi and Wolfgang,  for their help this year.

I hope the coming year will be as successful as this one has been with good support from members.

Election of Committee.

The present committee of President Alison Manhood, Vice President and German Translator Uta Kustner, Secretary Sheila Walker and Treasurer Norbert Drescher, are happy to stay on for another year. There was a vote of hands with all members in favour of the committee staying on for another year, this was proposed by Rob Parker and seconded by Colin Fleming.

There was No Other Business so the meeting closed at 7.55pm, there will a break of 10 minutes before the monthly meeting.


We welcomed a new member Magnus Lindquist and guest Pekka Nykop.

General Information

The Spanish DGT intend to install radars that incorporate airtificial intelligence , to raise awareness helping to avoid  commiting offences such as speeding, using mobile phones, or running red lights. The new devices can alledgedly detect speed, not wearing seat belts, holding a mobile phone and other infractions such as no ITV.

The Spanish Government have now decided to do a Uturn on Toll Road charges.  Most Toll Roads will not have a toll charge in 2024 except those that still have not been fully paid off.

Past Events .

Go Karts. Friday 8th September 2023.

We had a great turnout of members and guests for a lovely scenic run, a coffee stop and then arriving at Casa Blanca Go Karts.  We were welcomed with cava and nibbles followed by a lovely meal.

Then we were allowed to drive on the circuit for 4 laps in our own cars.  I think this was enjoyed by all those who took up the offer.  Photos were taken by several people and they will be on our Club Website when it is updated at the end of the year.

Thanks got to Wolfgang and Gabie for a very well organised and enjoyable event.

Future Events

18th October 2023.  Anniversary Dinner at Christophers, Mar Azul.  A separate email has been sent out with details, closing date 13th October.

We need a volunteer for November please.

21st December 2023, Christmas Party at the Rendezvous.  Details later.

28th December 2023, Inocentes Day driving skills, mini golf and a meal.  Organised by Gaynor.  Details next meeting.


A reminder about advising the club by the official email if you are unable to attend an event that you have signed up to.

The Club has a Facebook Group with all information on, Wolfgang also has a Whatsapp Group for anyone wanting to join this.

The meeting closed at 8.30pm

September 6th, 2023

There were 17 members in attendance and a previous member, John Byrne.
Apologies from Stuart and Jocelyn, John, Rainer and Sharon.

Information from the N332 about the reintroduction of Tolls on the motorways from 2024.

Also from the N332 about after having an accident you must present your vehicle to the ITV Station.

All N332 details are in full on our Facebook Page and also on the Club Website via the button at the top right of the page.

Past Events.

The Hondon Cool Run went off very well and it was not too hot, those attending enjoyed the run and the meal at the Tipsy Terrace.

Thanks go to Gerry and Alison for organising.

Future Events.

8th September 2023, Go Karts.

20th September 2023, the rearranged run to Calasparra.  Full details have been sent out in a separate email.

4th October 2023, AGM.  The present committee members are prepared to carry on  but if anyone wants to put forward anyone for any of the posts, please email the club.

Committee members are, President, Alison, Vice President, Uta, Secretary, Sheila, Treasurer, Norbert,  Vocals Wolfgang and Siggi.  Stuart will no longer be the club valuer, this will be taken over by Wolfgang.

The Anniversary Dinner will be held in October at Christophers, Mar Azul.  Date and further details to be sent out in a separate email soon.

Any Other Business

The car pennants are still being investigated, the people Alison is dealing with have been away on summer break.  So hopefully more details soon.

A reminder to those of you wishing to attend one of our events, you must notify the club email as numbers and sometimes menu choices have to be provided in advance.

Meeting Closed at 8pm.

July 5th, 2023


Alison Opened the meeting and welcomed 21 attendees and Guest George who owns a Morris Eight.
Apologies from Rainer and Sharon, John and Gaynor, Mike and Anna.

Norbert presented the treasurer’s report which is not put in the minutes, members may inspect the accounts at the monthly meetings.

General Information

The N332 reminds that although it is not illegal to drive in flip flops, if you are involved in an accident you may be charged.
It has also been advised that on motorways you do not need to put triangles out if broken down, especially at the rear because of the possibility of being hit by other vehicles.

Past Events

A run to Santomera, unfortunately several people got lost en route but most managed to get to Santomera.  Luckily workmen were working on the dam wall so we were allowed to walk across and see the spectacular view.  Everyone managed to get to the restaurant where we enjoyed a very nice Chinese Meal.  Thanks go to Mike and Anna.

Future Events

19th July 2023 – run to Calaspara, details were sent out in a separate email.  Final numbers to the club email by 12th July 2023 please.

18th August 2023 –  Hondon Cool Run.  This is an evening event and the Tipsy Terrace is booked for 7.30pm.  Details of the run at the next meeting.

8th September 2023 –  Casas Blanca Go Karts.  Details at the next meeting.

October 2023 – Anniversary Dinner.


If you do not wish to organise an event members are invited to let the club know where they would like future events to go to.


There was a discussion about having clip on flags/pennants to be attached to car windows.  Alison is going to look into this.

Wolfgang has a Whatsapp for the club, if you want to join then send your telephone number to him on 669 524 917

The Club has a Facebook Group where all N332 details are shared and also DGT and any other relevant details.  ALL members can join this group but anyone can see it.

We were given details of a company that does the whole procedure of transferring a vehicle onto Historic Plates.

Heros Cuneo Gomez. email.

He speaks English .

The meeting was held outside this time and was very pleasant.

Meeting closed at 8.05pm.

June 7th, 2023


Alison opened the meeting.

17  members were in attendance and guests Beryl, Anne. 2 prospective members Sabine and Thomas from Germany who now live in Algorfa and have a Plymouth Prowler 2000, were welcomed.

Apologies from, John and Gaynor, Neville, Graham, Anna.

General Information

Reminder that items must not be carried in an open tailgate.  There was also details about over 70 year olds that have been put on hold until after the elections on 23rd July 2023.  A reminder that all information from the N332 and the DGT are available on the club Facebook and also by clicking on the N332 link on the Google club website.

Past Events

Run to Pareham, Pinoso, 5th June 2023.  Attended by 21 people.  There were people who put their names down but did not attend and did not notify the club email.  The route was up into the mountains which were beautiful in the sunshine.  On arrival at the restaurant we had a lovely meal enjoyed by all.  We were able to sit inside or outside.  Our thanks go to Stuart and Jocelyn for organising a very enjoyable day out.

Future Events

Friday June 23rd  Run to Santomera. Organised by Mike and Anna. Details sent out in a separate email.

Wednesday July 19th Run to Calaspara organised by Garth.  More details at next meeting.

August Hondon Cool Run, organised by Alison and Gerry. More details later.

September Go Karts, organised by Wolfgang.  More details later.

October Anniversary Dinner.


December Christmas Party and Innocentes Day Events.


A reminder about advising the club by the official email if you are unable to attend an event that you have signed up to.

Treasurer, Norbert will be giving an update at the July Meeting.

The meeting closed at 7.55pm

May 3rd, 2023


Alison opened the meeting.

20 members were in attendance and 2 guests,previous members, Keith and Sue Lakin.
Apologies from, John , Anna, Siggi and Karin, Stuart and Jocelyn, Gerry.

General Information

Reminder that ITV stickers must be placed in the top right hand corner of the windscreen and old stickers must be removed.Check whether your vehicle needs an Emissions sticker and where it has to be placed.

Past Events

Observation run, attended by 20 people and no one got lost although some members took a shorter route back to La Fortaleza. The meal once again was very good.  There was a dispute of one of the answers about the number of flags on the top of the restaurant, but as everyone had the same answer it did not make a difference to the outcome.   There were 3 tied to win but a tie break question gave the winners as Alison and Gerry with Teddy.  The wooden spoon went to Uta and Norbert, who are getting quite a collection now.  Thanks to Sheila for organising.

Future Events

May 24th Wednesday.  Run organised by Mike and Anna.

Full details attached in separate email to members

June 5th Monday.  Run organised by Stuart and Jocelyn.

Full details attached in separate email to members.

July, Run to Calaspara organised by Garth.  More details at next meeting.

August, Hondon Cool Run, organised by Alison and Gerry. More details later.

September. Go Karts, organised by Wolfgang.  More details later.


It was very noisy and I found it difficult to write down the details so I have attached some of the items raised in separate emails.Rune had sent an email about information on Historic Plates.  He will be at the June Meeting so will be able to give the information in person. We have a Facebook Group, any member can join.  Wolfgang has set up a Whatsapp Group.  If you wish to join you need to give Wolfgang your number.  Wolfgang will also take on being the German Translator at the Monthly Meetings.

Keith said that Serco still honours the Club Discount that was set up in the early days of the Club.

If any other companies will give a discount please let the club know.

The meeting closed at 7.55pm

April 5th, 2023


Alison opened the meeting to 21 members and 1 guest.

Apologies from, John, Anna, Wolfgang and Gabie.

Financial Report

Norbert read out the details which are not published in the minutes.  Any club member can see the minutes book at the meetings.

General Information

Again a very quiet month, so just a reminder if you breakdown,

1. Put on your hi visability jacket and your hazard lights.

2. Put your triangles out 50m from the rear of your car if traffic flow is one way, If flow is both ways then 50m to the front as well. Or if you have an approved emergency flashing beacon turn it on and place on the highest part of your car.

3. Establish where you are, looking at signs,and points of interest to give to the recovery crew.

4. Phone the insurance company for recovery.  Always stay calm.  In worst cases call 112.

5. Please also check your insurance policy covers passengers in your car not just the driver, this has come to our attention via Liberty Seguros, especially Classic Car Insurance.

Past Events

St Patricks Day Parade.  Was attended by 6 cars, then a good meal was had at the Rogues Kitchen.  As the parade finished earlier than expected we were at the restaurant early so had time for chatting.

Thanks to Sheila for organising.

Future Events

Wednesday 19th April, Observation Run starting at La Fortaleza on the CV95 .  Meet at 11am for an 11.30am start at intervals.   If you do not wish to participate in the Observation, then just come and do the drive.   We will finish back at La Fortaleza for a meal at 1.30pm.   The cost will be 12 euros plus 1 euro tip.  We will be having the Menu of The Day which we will know on the morning of the 19th April.   If you have not yet put your name down please email the club by Wednesday 12th April 2023. MAY.   Mike will hopefully be organising an event.  Details later.

JUNE.  We need a volunteer please.

JULY.  Garth will hopefully be organising an event,  Details at the next meeting.

AUGUST.  Holdon Cool Run.


Rune is still looking for storage for 1 or 2 cars, he will pay 80 euros a month for 2 cars or 50 euros a month for 1 car.  If you know of anywhere please contact Rune or the club.

Rune also informed the club of details of Historic Insurance etc.   I am sending his email separately for you to see.

Garth advised that if you are registered disabled then you do not pay SUMA or Import Duty.

The meeting closed at 8.10 pm

March 1st, 2023

Alison welcomed 15 members to the meeting, and guests Kate, Jean and Mark and returning member Neville.

Apologies received from – John , Jos & Gary, Anna, Siggi and Karin, Wolfgang and Gabie, Rune and Garth.

General Information.

DGT are now using the Post Office, Correos for some services, Eco stickers, damaged log books, permiso circulacion, and change of ownership of the vehicle. This is in addition to their own offices , telephone and the MiDGT app. Shopping is not permitted on the back seats but can be put in the footwell. Details are available on the Club Website by clicking on the N332 button, which is fully up to date.

Past Events

Almond Blossom Run, the run saw some blossom but not as much as last year as the weather has been so much cooler. The meal afterwards at La Fortaleza was very good and enjoyed by 23 attending. Thanks go to Sheila and Stuart for organising.

Future Events

Friday March 17th St Patrick’s Day.
Meet at Rocky’s Bar off the N332 at 1.30pm for a drive in convoy to the starting point at Multi Market.
The restaurant booked is Rogues Kitchen for 5.30pm. C del Mar 7B c.c Playamarina 1, Local 14 . 03189.
We have booked a table but not a preset menu. Members will order and pay from the menu themselves.
If you wish to take part in this event please email the club by Sunday 5th March 2023.

We need volunteers for April, May, June and July PLEASE. If you don’t want to do the whole event yourself then maybe as last year 2 people can organise, 1 the run, the other the restaurant.

Mike may organise an event to Cartagena in May, more details next month.

Any Other Business.

Rune has sent a request for storage space for 1 or 2 cars with 220V electrics in the La Zenia,
Torrevieja area. He is willing to pay up to 50 euros a month for a suitable garage. Please contact the club email if you have such a facility.
Neville advised that the Antic Auto 2023, International Exhibition of Automobiles, Motorcycles and Antique and Classic Parts will take place on 11th and 12th March 2023 at IFA Fira Alacant, tickets are 5 euros for Classic Car Vehicles. For more information go on to the website.

The meeting closed at 8pm

February 1st, 2023


Alison welcomed 14 members to the meeting and guests John and Debbie who have a 1966 VW Campervan and new members John and Pam who have a Jaguar Xk8.

Apologies from, John, Mike and Anna, Jos and Gary, Rainer and Sharon, Heidrun, Stuart and Jocelyn.

There was the sad news that Margaret and Michael Crowther’s son Robin had passed away on 23rd January 2023.

Financial report was given by Norbert. Details are not published in the Minutes but the accounts can be viewed by members at any time.

General Information

Not much has happened this month apart from the V16 warning light had been approved by the DGT, costing approximately 50 euros, we are sure there will be a better price before it becomes mandatory in 2026.
The committee had decided that the tip should be increased from 1 euro to 2 euros, this was disputed by members and a vote was taken to leave it at 1 euro for the time being.
If at any of the club meals you have bad service or food please make sure you tell the run organiser or Alison and Sheila so that this can be sorted out at the time before the bill is paid.

Past Events

Thanks go to Gerry for the run through the salt lakes and seeing the flamingos then up through the countryside arriving at the Indian in Rojales. Unfortunately there were problems with the restaurant with the bill but the food was good.

Future Events

Thursday 9th February, Almond Blossom Run. Meet at La Fortaleza on the CV95 at 11am for a 11.30am start. After the run we will return to La Fortaleza for a meal. The cost is 16 euros which includes the meal, dessert, 1 drink and a tip of 1 euro.

March 17th, St Patrick’s Day, details to follow.

We need volunteers for April, May, June and July PLEASE. If you don’t want to do the whole event yourself then maybe as last year 2 people can organise, one the run, the other the restaurant.

If anyone is interested in  a 2 day event possibly to Denia or somewhere else, please let the club know by email.

Any Other Business,

The meeting closed at 8pm

January 4th, 2023


Alison opened the first meeting of 2023 wishing everyone a very Happy New Year..

12 members were in attendance and 2 guests, Alex and Jim and a new member Heidrum.

Apologies from, John, Mike and Anna, Graham, Siggi and Karin, Garth, Uta and Norbert.

We also noted the sad passing of Margaret Crowther on the 19th December 2022, a valued member who will be very much missed.  Our thoughts go out to Michael and Robin.

General Information

V16 flashing lights will become compulsory from 2026 and must be compatible with the DGT GPS.  These will be available from 2023.

The new ZBE low emissions zones are fairly new to Spain and are being rolled out in larger cities and municipalities over the course of 2023.  The rules are implemented by each municipality.  More information will be released by the N332 website.  The Car Club Website has a link to the N332 website.

The stickers will be available from post offices at a cost of 5 euros.

Past Events

The Christmas Party at the Rendezvous was attended by 26 members and guests.

We were served with canapes and cava on the terrace and then went inside for a marvelous meal.

The raffle had quite a few prizes.  Also Uta passed the Most Valued Member Trophy onto Gaynor.

A big thank you from me goes to Sheila for organising and buying the raffle prizes, great choices.

Inocentes Day Driving Skills and Mini Golf, again a fun day and the sun eventually came out. 18 members participated, a big increase in last year when restrictions were still in place.

The Ladies trophy went to Sheila and the Mens trophy went to Wolfgang.  We then went to play mini golf and have a good meal.   The mini golf trophy had to be decided on Holes in One , as Wolfgang, Gabbi and Stuart T tied on 45 points. Stuart was the eventually winner.

A big thank you to Gaynor for organising .

Future Events

Moving into 2023 we need volunteers please.

Friday 20th January. Run to the Punjabi Palace, Los Montesinos

Organised by Gerry and Alison.

Meet at Bar Alma [Spanglish] at 11am.

Cost will be 14 euros per person.  No menu choices needed in advance.

Please email the club by 15th January if you wish to come.

Thursday 9th February, Almond Blossom Run from La Fortaleza, more details soon.

Any Other Business,


The meeting closed at 7.50pm

December 7th, 2022

Sheila opened the meeting in the late absence of Alison.

15 members were in attendance.

Apologies from, Alison and Gerry, Rainer and Sharon, Margaret and Michael, Gaynor and John, Mike and Anna, Stuart and Jocelyn.

General Information

The radar on the N332 , km 46 at Campamour was faulty and set at 80km but signs said 90km, so all penalties are due for a refund.

New road signs are being introduced in 2023 and you can find information on the

When driving now in colder weather please remove large coats as this can lead to a fine.

The 20 cents fuel rebate is due to end on 31st December 2022.

Past Events

24th November run organised by Gary, Jos, Sheila and Stuart from La Fortaleza to Coopers Bar, the run was round the blue lake and onto Almoradi where a few of us got lost but we all ended up at Coopers Bar and had a lovely meal.  Thanks go to the 4 organisers.

Future Events

18th December, Christmas Party, at the Rendezvous, C Rafael Anton Perez 23, 03184, Torrevieja.

Meet for canapes and cava at 2pm, then 3pm start for the meal. Richie will once again be providing background music while we are eating then lots of music to dance to. The cost is 24 euros per person which includes all food, one drink and tip.  The club will subsidies paid up members 10 euros per person

The menu was sent out separately and closing date for choices is 10th December, email to the club if you have not already done so.

28th December. Inocentes Day,  driving skills tests and mini golf followed by a meal. Organised by Gaynor.

Meet at Bar Alma [Spanglish], C Vigo, 03170 Cdad Quesada at 10.30am, depart 11am for driving skills at El Raso, then to Quesada Mini Golf, C los Arcos, 27, 03170, Cdad Quesada.   Cost 18.50 euros includes mini golf,  3 course meal, 1 drink and tip.   Names and Menu choices to Gaynor, Whatsapp 627 23 71 60, email, by 20th December if not signed up at the meeting.



Tomato soup.
Tuna salad.


Cajun Chicken.
Rack of ribs.
Liver and onions.


Chocolate cake.
Ice cream.

Stuart, Sheila and Garth to bring the trophies they won last year.

Moving into 2023 we need volunteers please.

We have the following annual events on the calendar,

February, Almond Blossom Run.

August, Hondon Cool Run.

October, Anniversary Dinner.

December, Christmas party and Inocentes Day driving skills and mini golf.

For ALL the other months we need volunteers please to organise an event followed by a meal.

Any Other Business,


The Meeting closed at 8.00pm.

After the meeting closed, we welcomed a new member Germain who has a 1993 Volvo 440i.

November 2nd, 2022

Gaynor opened the meeting at 7.30 pm and greeted the 20 members.

Apologies received from  Gary, Jos, Anna,Garth and John..

Election of Committee

Alison was proposed as President by Stuart and seconded by Mike.

New Vocal, to replace Alison,  Wolfgang proposed by Margaret and seconded by Michael.

The remaining committee members of Uta, Norbert,and Sheila and vocal Siggi were prepared to continue and were proposed by Mike and seconded by Jocelyn.

Any Other Business.

Uta forgot to bring the Best Serving Member trophy again, so hopefully she will bring it in December and pass it on.

Garth advised us sadly that Ann had passed away on the 29th October, our thoughts are with him at this very sad time.

The EGM finished at 7.43pm.

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting, 2nd November 2022.
Started at 7.47pm

Alison opened the meeting to 20 members and 2 guests.

General Information

Radars had not been working properly so fines could be reclaimed .

N332 have reminded that the old ITV stickers should be removed when the new one is attached to the windscreen.

New climate change laws come into effect on 1.1.2023 and all areas over 50,000 inhabitants will have low emission zones, ZBE,  only hybrid and electric vehicles will be able to use these zones without restrictions.

Past Events

Anniversary Dinner, this was attended by 29 people, the food was excellent, Sergio apologised for having no air conditioning in the back room, so we were in the front, which did not seem to make any difference to our enjoyment.

The Hand of Friendship was passed from Stuart to Gerry, the Trabant from Anna to Margaret.

The Best Serving Member award will be passed on from Uta in December, if she remembers to bring it.

Thanks go to Alison and Gerry for organising a very enjoyable evening.

Future Events

Thursday 24th November

Run and Meal organised by Gary, Jos, Sheila and Stuart.

Meet at La Fortaleza, CV95 at 11am for an 11.30am start of a run to Coopers Bar, Av Antonio, Quesada 49, 03170..  The run will be approximately 1 and a half hours.


Cream of mushroom soup with crusty bread OR
Loaded potato skins with cheese and bacon and bbq dip OR
Chicken ceasar salad,

Sweet chilli salmon, new potatoes and veg. OR
Chicken curry, rice and naan bread OR
Pork loin in pepper sauce, homemade chips and veg.

Apple crumble and custard OR
Lemon cheesecake OR
Mixed berry pavlova.

The cost is 15 euros which includes 3 courses, 1 drink and tip.

Menu choices to the club email by Thursday 17th November 2022.

Sunday 18th December

Christmas Party, at the Rendezvous.  Details soon.

Wednesday 28th December.

Inocentes Day
driving skills tests and mini golf followed by a meal. Organised by Gaynor.

Meet at Bar Alma at 10.30am, depart 11am for driving skills.  Cost 18.50 euros includes mini golf,  3 course meal, 1 drink and tip.   Names by 20th December.  There will be a sign up sheet at the December monthly meeting.

Moving into 2023 we need volunteers please.

 Any Other Business.

Rune asked when the website would be updated.  This will happen once we can arrange for Alison, Sheila, Kay and Shaun to get together, hopefully by the end of November.   If you have changed your car that is on the website, please contact the club email with up to date details and picture and specification. Also if you no longer have your car that is on the website please let the club know by email.

The Meeting closed at 8.00pm.

October 5th, 2022

Gaynor opened the meeting at 7.30 pm and greeted the 35 members that had paid their subscription.

Apologies received from Alison and Gerry Manhood and John Lambert

Minutes of last AGM.

Sheila read the minutes of last year’s AGM, to which there was no comment.

The President and Secretary signed the Minute Book.

Chairman’s Report.  

The club has now been going for 16 years and the success of the club has been down to the support and friendliness of you the members for your continued support and organising of events [which I know from experience can be quite challenging].  We still have some original members, such as Albino, Heiko, Dieter and Ilsa.

We have had another good year with an event every month apart from March, when there was very bad weather with a lot of rain.  Some events were regular/annual events such as the Anniversary Dinner, Christmas Party, Inocentes Day, Almond Blossom Run and the Hondon Cool Run.   We had a couple of different events, Mini Golf at La Manga and the Go Karts at Sucina, which were very enjoyable.  Thank you to everyone who organised an event this last year.  Let us hope we shall also have some good events for the coming year.

The number of members up to 4th October is 41, made up of 25 classic and specialists cars and 16 afficionades.  To date 4 people have not renewed their membership.

As you all know I am stepping down as President after 4 1/2 years, 3 of which I have been supporting John through his cancer illness, so I am looking forward to a well deserved rest and enjoying future club events.

I would like to thank the committee, Sheila, Uta, Norbert,  Alison and Siggi  for their time and support during the last year.

I am sure the incoming President will carry on in a similar way and The Club will go from strength to strength.

Gaynor Hall.

Finance Report.

Norbert reported the numbers.

This information is not included in the minutes for privacy reasons, but is available for inspection by members in the Accounts Book.

Election of Committee

Alison Manhood had been nominated as President but Ilsa Mader advised that as she was not present at the AGM, according to Spanish Law, she could not be voted on to the committee.  As there was no one to confirm this it was decided that the Election of the Committee would be held at the November 2022 Monthly Meeting.

There was no  – Any Other Business

The AGM was the closed at 8 pm and a 10 minute break was held before resuming with the normal monthly meeting with guests and partners included.

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting, 5th October 2022.   

General Information

Spain was planning to introduce tolls by 2024, this is to contribute to development and a much more sustainable future by regulating vehicles in order to encourage the use of other forms of transport. The tolls will also raise funds for the government.   There may be some exceptions such as commuters going to and from work, students and people travelling to medical appointments.  Some dual carriageways may also have toll booths.

Past Events

Mike and Anna organised a Visual Treasure Hunt, a good run although I think most people got lost en route, but we did all manage to arrive at the restaurant on time.  The meal was good, the event was won by Sheila with her co-pilots, Roger and Beryl.   The wooden spoon went to Rune and his wife.

Future Events

21st October 2022. Anniversary Dinner.   7pm

To be held at Restaurant Christopher, Mar Azul, R, Eliseos Playa Local 1. 03185 Torrevieja.    The cost is 28 euros per person, paid up members will receive a 10 euro subsidy from the club.

The menu will be sent by separate email.

Final menu choices please by email to the club by no later than 14th October 2022.

November.  A volunteer is needed please.

18th December, Christmas Party, at the Rendezvous.  Details at the next meeting.

28th December. Inocentes Day,  driving skills tests and mini golf.  More details at the next meeting.

Moving into 2023 we need volunteers please.  I know some of you have ideas for events and I assume that we will continue with the regular/annual events.

 Any Other Business

Neighbourhood watch are holding an event with the N332 on 24th October at 4pm at Bar Oasis.  Members are welcome to attend, you may need to get there early to get a seat.

The Meeting closed at 8.40pm.

September 7th, 2022


Gaynor opened the meeting.
We have 21 members attending tonight, plus guests Terry and Rhoda.
Apologies from John, Anna, Jos and Gary.

General Information

Historic Vehicles [H plates], vehicles at least 30 years old qualify for historic plates. Costs from 99.77 through DGT.

DGT given advice for people wearing glasses or contact lenses in Spain, this is to guarantee maximum possible safety on Spanish roads. If you use glasses or contact lenses DGT recommend wearing them throughout your journey for best possible vision at the wheel. Drivers who need to better view objects up close, they recommend using progressive lenses to be able to correctly see the info on the dashboard.  When the sun dazzles the road sunglasses will mitigate the glaring sensation, so advisable to carry them in the car. If you have a problem driving at night DGT recommend trying to avoid driving as much during these times or in bad weather.  As you increase speed, the field of vision naturally narrows if you are travelling fast, particularly if you have issues with your vision the DGT advises reducing speed to avoid the tunnel effect, which is the narrowing of vision towards the central part of the road.  If you have visited the opthalmologist and they have used drops to dilate the pupils, driving is not recommended until the symptoms disappear.

There is a button on most cars dashboard by the air conditioning dials, looks like a car with a squiggle over it.  It is recommended that during summer months this is switched on and turned off during winter months.  This button takes the air from inside the car and recirculates it instead of pulling in air from outside.  If you do not use this button your AC system is pulling in hot air from outside then trying to cool it, so using this button will keep your car cooler and decrease the wear and tear on your AC system.  Tip, if your car has been sat in the sun and is hot inside, roll down your windows turn off the recirculate button for a few minutes to get rid of the hot air inside the car, then turn the recirculate button back on.

Past Events

We had 8 cars for the Annual Hondon Cool Run organised by Alison and Gerry, we enjoyed a good run up into the mountains followed by another good meal at the Tipsy Terrace, Thanks go to Alison and Gerry for organising.

Future Events

18th September, Virtual Treasure Hunt organised by Mike.

Meet at Lo Monte Hotel off the N332 at midday.  The drive will be approximately 30 km, with approximately 20 clues to find.  Route sheets will be available in English and German.
Lunch will be at Alingui Restaurant, The Castle,San Miguel.
Cost per person 11 euros for 3 courses, including tip.  NO drinks are included in this.
Final numbers please by Monday 12th September to the club email.
Menu attached but we do NOT need choices beforehand.

October 21st, Anniversary Dinner.

This year it will be held at Christophers Restaurant, Mar Azul. 7pm.
Cost per person 28 euros to include 3 courses, a drink and a tip.  Paid up members will get a 10 euro subsidy as in previous years.  Menu to be sent out separately later this month.  If you want to see it on line it is Menu B on their website.
If you are a recipient of one of the club trophies, please bring it with you to the dinner.  If you are unable to come to the dinner please arrange for the trophy to be returned to Gaynor or Sheila, with the name of your nominated person to receive it from you.

November we need a volunteer.

December 18th, Christmas Lunch at the Rendezvous. 24 euros per person to include canapes and cava outside, then 3 courses including a drink and tip.  Paid up members will receive a 10 euros subsidy as in previous years.  More details later.

Inocentes Day, 28th December, driving skills and mini golf followed by a meal.   More details later.

Any Other Business

Next meeting 5th October 2022, AGM. 7.30pm Start.

Subscription due is 20 euros per person.  Please arrive early from 6.15pm to pay Norbert and be confirmed by Sheila.  Only paid-up members will be able to attend the AGM.


If you are not able to attend the AGM but wish to remain a member, then please email the club with details of when you will pay your subscription.  The deadline for payments is the December 2022 meeting.

We have received a nomination for the New President, Alison Manhood.  If there are any more nominations, please email the club by September 16th 2022.

The meeting closed at 8 pm

August 3rd 2022

Gaynor welcomed everyone to the meeting, including guests Dick, Gordon & Paco. There were16 members present,         

Apologies received from   –  John Lambert, Margaret & Michael, Jos & Gary and Roger and Karen

General Info

No changes to traffic law.  A reminder about traffic fines – if you pay the 50% discount, the DGT understands that you admit the facts and therefore, the file is archived and you cannot appeal.  If you disagree with the fine, residents have 20 days to appeal and the fine doesn’t have to be paid until the DGT have responded to the appeal.

Last Months Events

Wolgang & Gabie organised the trip to the Go Kart Circuit near Sucina.
The drive was very nice, with a stop at Tercia, a small village nearby.  When we arrived at the circuit, we had a welcome glass of Cava, while we watched a display of 2 bikers racing on the track and doing tricks – one of the riders is the Spanish Super Moto champion.  We then had lunch, which was served outside, under a large gazebo, which thankfully had a nice breeze blowing through.  The food and service were excellent.  Five cars then took to the track and did 3 laps, with Wolfgang doing some overtaking – I think he must have had a few practice laps at some time!.
Following this, there was a go kart race between Wolfgang and Roger.  Wolfgang won, even though he gave Roger a head start and he slowed down during the race (we thought he had engine failure), but he put his foot down and won the race.  Both men stood on the No1 podium, showing true sportsmanship.  Thank  you to Wolfgang & Gabie for organising this trip.  It was a fabulous day.  A definite trip to repeat during the cooler months.

Future Events

Friday 19th August – Cool Run to Hondon Valley organised by Alison & Gerry.  

Meet at Spanglish Bar at 17:00. Depart at 18:00.   We should arrive at the ‘Tipsy Terrace’ around 19:00 and  the menu is 19 euros per person for a three course meal including wine/beer & tip.  The menus are attached, in English and Spanish.  There is also a vegetarian menu and you can mix the menus e.g. starter from vegetarian menu,  main and dessert from the other menu.
Please notify the club with your menu choices by 14th August.

Anyone wishing to stay over, there are 2 options.  The local hotel, not far from the restaurant, contact Marina on 685749646.   There is a B & B about 5 or 10 minute drive away, Casa de Pina contact number 693972936

 September  – Mike & Anna are organising a run.  Details at the next meeting.

October  Friday 14th – Anniversary Dinner.  Details at the next meeting

November – Volunteer needed.

December Sunday  18th   – Xmas lunch.  Details at a future meeting.

December Wednesday  28th  – Innocentes Day – Usual Driving Skills test.  Details to follow.

Any Other Business

Gaynor advised members that she would not be standing for president at the AGM this year.  The rest of the committee have agreed to stand again.
Anyone wishing to take up the role of president, please email your interest to the club by 16th September.

Gaynor asked members to take their empty glasses to the outside bar when leaving, as the staff are only using that bar during the summer.

July 6th 2022


Gaynor opened the meeting.

We have 16 members attending tonight.

Apologies from John, Siggi and Karin, Anna, Jos and Gary, Karen and Roger, Rainer and Sharon.

General Information

The government launched a new mass alert system via SMS text message.  It means the public can receive all kinds of alerts on mobiles, everytime an emergency occurs near your location. Can warn of emergencies such as eruption of volcanoes [like in La Palma] and heavy snowfall.  The full details are available on the N332 Facebook page.

Tow bars, if fitting one there is a legal requirement to register as notification on ITV paperwork, it must be installed in a certified garage who will give you a certificate for the ITV station.  There is no legal requirement to remove the tow bar if not in use.  After installation you have 15 days to go to the ITV station.  The tow bar must not interfere with the visibility of the registration plate.

Past Events

June 21st trip to La Manga Golf.  On arrival Ian the host welcomed us with a glass of bucks fizz.  He then explained the rules.  We were then put into groups of 4 and sent on our way. For those who have been to Quesada Mini Golf, this was on another level.  The club had a sucker on the end to retrieve your ball from the hole.  We also each had a different coloured ball, so no mix up.  The holes were all different with some water to hit the ball over, steep slopes, curves, fake sand etc.  It was a beautifully laid out course.  Once we had all completed the course we handed in our score sheets to be added up by Ian..  Then we had a lovely meal.  It was well organised with each group of 4 being served within minutes of finishing their round.  The results were then announced, 3rd was Ilse.  There was a tie for 1st and 2nd place by Norbert and Karen.  They then had to have a play off,  The first one was again a tie but on the 2nd attempt Karen beat Norbert, so Norbert was 2nd and Karen 1st.  They were presented with a bottle of wine donated by Roger and Karen, and a photo was taken of the presentation on the podium.   The 16th hole was a tricky one so anyone who got a hole in one could purchase a special T shirt.  Both Karen and Gabie got this hole.  A very enjoyable day, thanks go to Roger and Karen.

Future Events

22nd July 2022.  Tour Circuito Go Kart Casas Blancas.  Organised by Wolfgang.

Meet at Lo Monte Hotel on the N332 at 10.30am for a 11am start.  The Go Kart track is in the Sucina region.
Our cars can drive round the circuit for 3 laps.
If you want to use a Go Kart the cost is 15 euros for 10 minutes.
Afterwards we will have a meal which includes 3 courses, 1 drink and a tip. The cost is 19 euros, not including Go Karts.

The main courses are.

Paella de carne.
Asado de pollo.
Pasta Carbonara o Bolognesa.
Hamburguesa Circuito.
Pescado [Emperador, Salmon o Dorada, a 2 euros supplement for these].

If you wish to attend please email the club with your choice of main course by the 15th July 2022.

August 19th   Hondon Cool Run. This is an evening event.  More details next month.

September we need a volunteer.  Possibly Mike Rhodes

October, Anniversary Dinner.

November we need a volunteer.

December, Christmas Lunch, Inocentes Day driving skills and mini golf.

Any Other Business

The club received an email about a car for sale, Mazda MX3, RHD UK.  If anyone is interested please contact the club for further details.

The Club Website has been updated with photos from all events in 2022 to date.

Expo Torrevieja, we took part in this at the International Auditorium before lockdown.

They are hoping to restart in the Autumn, October or November, so more details when we get them.

The meeting closed at 8 pm

June 1st 2022


Gaynor opened the meeting and welcomed Adelheid as a guest who owns a BMW 524TD 1990.

We have 18 members attending tonight. Several arrived late as there was a hold up on the N332.

Apologies from John, Siggi and Karin, Anna, Jos and Gary, Margaret and Michael.

General Information

Not much info other than the DGT issued a strange advise that you only listen to certain types of music.  They are focusing on cutting down on the number of distractions behind the wheel that could lead to an accident.  They suggest that music should be played at a moderate volume and choose a genre that dose not make you sleepy, aggressive or defensive and take your attention off the road.  The DGT received a lot of responses to this but the message is clear.

Also the DGT put out reminders about roundabouts, always exit from the outside lane, inside lane is for overtaking or to go all the way round.

Past Events

The International Parade attracted 5 cars and friends of Siggi and Karin brought their trike.  We were the only car club represented along with many motor bikes.  We led the parade on two laps of the route before parking up and watching the rest of the parade.  The parade was excellent.  We then had an excellent meal at the restaurant.  Thanks to all who attended and to Margaret for organising the restaurant.

Trip to Denia,  there were only 4 people and 2 dogs that went on this trip organised by Norbert.  Those that did go had a fantastic time and lovely meals at the hotel in the evening.  Maybe a future event may attract more participants.

Future Events

June 21st , the La Manga Adventure Golf.  Meet at Lo Monte Hotel, Pilar de la Horadada at 10am for a 10.30am start.  We will drive to Caserio Atalaya 8, 30385, Cartagena to arrive to start playing around 11.30am.  The costs is 21 euros to include golf, 2 course meal a drink and tip.  The menu choice will be taken before you head out to play.  Wheelchair users can do the golf round if they wish either to play or as a spectator.  Small dogs on leads are allowed.  Final numbers please by  14th June to the club email.

July volunteer needed.

August 19th   Hondon Cool Run.  More details next month.

September we need a volunteer.

October, Anniversary Dinner.

November we need a volunteer.

December, Christmas Lunch, Inocentes Day driving skills and mini golf.

Any Other Business


The meeting closed at 7.55 pm